All the art I didn't show
Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia
To participate in the exhibition, you need a smartphone and headphones as well as readiness to scan QR codes.
All the art I didn’t show is an exhibition spread across the city of Tallinn.
You are invited to meet…
…all the art that was left unfinished.
…all the art that is nonsense.
…all the art that is covered in dust.
…all the art that has potential.
…all the art that may be bad.
…all the art that may not be that bad.
…all the art that may be good.
…all the art kept in the drawer.
…all the art I didn’t show.
Director and performer
Joonas Tagel
Lighting design
Karolin Tamm
Valeria Januškevitš